The majority of comments received put it simply no water meter upon house construction completion, no water.  Trailers will continue to be exempt from water meters until their 4 year building commitment is up
2. Within the next month all houses that have been built so far will have water meters. Looking forward to new house construction, & 4-year building commitments, what should the fine per year be for people who elect not to have a water meter installed PER YEAR?
Response Percent Response Total
No fine
17.6% 25
$0 - $200
15.5% 22
$201 - $400
26.8% 38
$401 - $600
16.2% 23
23.9% 34
Total Respondents   142
(skipped this question)   10
3. If you think it should be a specific penalty amount or have a conditional comment on the 2 questions above, please enter it here
 Total Respondents  
(skipped this question)   95
In the first year, meters will be read atleast 4 times.  First meter reading will be between December 27-January 1. 
4. How Often should water meters be read?
Response Percent Response Total
Once per year on the resort’s year end (December 31)
21.1% 30
4 times per year (March 31, June 30, September 30, December 31)
57.7% 82
6 times per year (Feb 28, April 30, June 30, August 31, October 31, December 31)
4.2% 6
4 summer months (May 31, June 30, July 31, August 31)
10.6% 15
12 times per year (Monthly)
6.3% 9
Total Respondents   142
(skipped this question)   10
The intent of this question was to see how many people knew how much water they consumed and if they had an amount in mind for a quota system.   Many recommended we collect 6 months to a year of data before determining a limit.   As mentioned at the SGM, City of Calgary and Lethbridge plan for 7 m3 (meters) of water per person per month or .23 meters (230 Litres) per person per day
5. If we go to a quota system, what do you think the amount of “free” water each unit should be allowed to consume, remembering that Alberta environment controls how much water we take out of the lake and there are still 100 houses left to be built.
Response Percent Response Total
There shouldn’t be a limit
9.2% 12
50,000 Litres per unit (50 Meters)
4.6% 6
75,000 Litres per unit (75 Meters)
4.6% 6
100,000 Litres per unit (100 Meters)
18.3% 24
125,000 Litres per unit (125 Meters)
10.7% 14
150,000 Litres per unit (150 Meters)
26.7% 35
175,000 Litres per unit (175 Meters)
5.3% 7
200,000 Litres per unit (200 Meters)
12.2% 16
More than 200,000 Litres
8.4% 11
Total Respondents   131
(skipped this question)   21
Many comments on this question pointed to a no quota but a pay per uses system instead to encourage conservation
6. What should the charge be for going over the quota?
Response Percent Response Total
No Penalty
7.6% 10
Half the cost to produce the water
7.6% 10
The cost to produce the water
47.7% 63
The same price as the bible camp
20.5% 27
Twice the cost to produce the water
16.7% 22
Total Respondents   132
(skipped this question)   20
Again comments on this issue point to a pay per use system (similar to Calgary or Lethbridge) if one can be implemented cheaply.  There were also comments on a water rate similar to a natural gas rate.  Rates go up in the summer when demand is high and down in the winter when demand is low.  This will be discussed further.  No decision has been made.
7. There has been some discussion on whether we should have a discounted condo fee and a pay per meter instead of a “quota” system. This would obviously benefit those that are big savers of water while penalizing abusers. Would you support a pay per meter system? If there is enough interest, a breakdown of the costs will be shown and future “VOTE” question will be asked
Response Percent Response Total
41.2% 54
24.4% 32
Depends on the cost per meter (Breakeven point)
34.4% 45
Total Respondents   131
(skipped this question)   21
8. Comments on the above 3 questions (Quota’s versus pay per meter) Also if you support a "Summer Quota" versus "Winter Quota" This prevents heavy usage in the summer and no usage in the winter. Consideration will be taken for full time residents
 Total Respondents  
(skipped this question)   83
This question was based on discussions with our irrigation team.   If we are to irrigate, what should be irrigated.  Do we want specific areas where there is heavy traffic or do we want all areas watered.  Do we want 'golf course' grass or simply grass that is not 'crunchy'.  Comments on this show about 30% simply don't want ANY irrigation, 30% want the 4 parks and some parts of lakefront (beach area), the remaining 40% are spread across certain green spaces to all green spaces and more water on areas that are already irrigated.  We are clearly divided on this issue and more discussion needs to take place as to cost to implement, lake water versus plant water, and what areas are irrigated.
9. An Irrigation map is located at or click on maps from the main page and click on irrigation map. Remember to open a new browser or remember to click the back button after you have viewed the map or you will loose your answers to your survey. Looking at this map, where should irrigation be installed. An estimated cost per each section is attached. Sections that have less than 33% of the vote may be discounted and a formal quote will be provided for final approval for the remaining areas. Please note on lake front there are 6 sections. Phase 1, 2, & 3 from the houses to the berm and from the berm to the water/tree line. This is a 5-year proposal. The original question was based on sections 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, & 14 for $300,000 or $1200/per unit or $240/per unit per year for 5 years. These numbers are expected to be slightly high. Also section 16 may not be possible depending on slope of land. We may get a quote with enough votes.
Response Percent Response Total
1.Phase 1 Park ($19,000) ($75 per unit)
51.3% 61
2.Phase 2 Park ($33,000) ($130 per unit)
51.3% 61
3.Phase 3A Park ($22,000) ($87 per unit
50.4% 60
4 Phase 1 Hill ($33,000) ($130 per unit)
29.4% 35
5 Phase 2 Hill ($22,000) ($87 per unit)
26.1% 31
6 Phase 3A Hill ($16,000) ($63 per unit)
25.2% 30
7 Phase 3B Hill ($11,000) ($43 per unit)
26.1% 31
8 Phase 1 Lakefront (Lot 8 – 17)(From houses to berm) ($20,000) ($79 per unit)
48.7% 58
9 Phase 1 Beach (Lot 8 – 17) (From Berm to beach) ($20,000) ($79 per unit)
42% 50
10 Phase 2 Lakefront (Lot 156 – 79) From houses to berm) ($18,000) ($71 per unit)
50.4% 60
11 Phase 2 Commons (Lot 156 – 79) From berm to treeline) ($16,000) ($63 per unit)
32.8% 39
12 Phase 3 Lakefront (Lot 178 – 156) From houses to berm) ($33,000) ($130 per unit)
43.7% 52
13 Phase 4 Commons (Lot 178 – 156) From berm to treeline) ($65,500) ($259 per unit)
26.9% 32
14 Phase 1 Commons (Lot 18 – 29) From houses to about 25 feet away (18,000) ($71 per unit)
33.6% 40
15 Phase 1 Commons (Lot 18 – 29) From about 25 feet away to fence line/water line ($38,000) ($150 per unit)
23.5% 28
16 Phase 4 Hill (Lot 231 – 18) From houses to about 30 feet away ($33,000) ($130 per unit)
33.6% 40
Total Respondents   119
(skipped this question)   33
The intent of this survey was to collect opinion on what we know about our water conservation today.  We will ask similar questions in the fall when we know more about our specific water uses and try to implement a fair system.
10. Survey Comments. If you feel we should NOT have any irrigation, please select #16 and state that here. Your answer to the above question will be deleted. Did we miss something on water that you feel we should have asked. Please include your name or lot number if you would like a response.
 Total Respondents  
(skipped this question)   106